Articles 12 in total


Native HTML light and dark color scheme switching


While there’s no truly native way to build a light/dark color scheme switcher yet, we all try our best to build something that comes close. Some native HTML options are often overlooked in favor of hacky solutions. Let’s make them well-known and widely used while we wait for the proper built-in one.

The road to HTMHell is paved with semantics


HTML semantics is a nice idea, but does it really make a difference? There’s a huge gap between HTML spec’s good intentions and what browsers and screen readers are willing to implement.

Jumping HTML tags. Another reason to validate your markup

HTML JavaScript

For most developers, HTML is just an artifact, like a binary file, and it often gets wrong and ugly. Fortunately, browsers are smart enough to handle poor markup. But sometimes, they take our mistakes personally, and tags start jumping around.

CSS lazy loading is kinda broken in Safari

CSS JavaScript

Remember this old trick that allowed us to load only critical CSS and defer the rest? The one, that used media="print" and onload event. I just realized that sometimes it doesn’t work in Safari.

A CSS challenge: skewed highlight


Recently Sacha Greif challenged his Twitter followers to code a fancy highlighter effect using only CSS. Guess what? I took the bait and started coding!